Genital Aesthetic Medicine

We pride ourselves on being your trusted destination for the beauty and wellness you deserve.

After the menopause, hormones decrease and the vagina dries out, causing pain, irritation and discomfort during sexual intercourse. With the treatment of vaginal hyaluronic acid we can improve vaginal hydration, achieving an aesthetic and functional improvement.

It is indicated for vaginal dryness, vulvar scleroatrophic lichen, scars after childbirth (episiotomies), helps healing and reduces the discomfort they cause, enlargement of the labia majora, infiltration of the G-spot.

With ageing and the menopause, the genital labia majora gradually lose volume, leaving the labia minora exposed, resulting in a less aesthetic and functional appearance. It also increases the likelihood of developing genitourinary infections. By infiltrating hyaluronic acid we can give volume and turgidity to the labia majora, improving their appearance and functionality.

En nuestra clínica, ofrecemos un tratamiento de vanguardia para el engrosamiento de pene utilizando ácido hialurónico, una opción segura y efectiva para quienes buscan mejorar el volumen y la estética de esta zona. Este procedimiento no invasivo implica la inyección de ácido hialurónico, un relleno dérmico biocompatible, que proporciona resultados inmediatos en términos de aumento de grosor. El tratamiento es rápido, con mínimas molestias y no requiere tiempo de recuperación, permitiendo una mejora estética que ayuda a incrementar la confianza sin alterar la función natural del pene.

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